seeking beauty

as long as i love beauty i am young,
am young or old as i love more or less

words excerpted from john davies' "seeking beauty"


autumn leaves

like torn pieces
of origami paper

from the sky



thin fading dancers
small tattered edges
caught in the wind
their silvered bodies
smaller arabesques

their songs
now sung
in grey whispers

in the autumn wind

in the autumn wind,
hark! voices raised with the sails,
these boats approaching
cross from a skybound shore:
the geese are here.

words by an anonymous poet who entered a poetry competition held by
her majesty the empress during the kanpyo era

the fitful tracing

a season's fallen bounty still ripe with colour

beauty is momentary in the mind
the fitful tracing of a portal

words excerpted from "peter quince at the clavier" by wallace stevens